Monday, September 24, 2007

Why should we all participate more online surveys?

Recently we conducted an online survey to understand the world of our client counterparts. It was a very short survey and once the participant answered all eight questions they could see how everyone else responded. As a busy marketing professional I can understand why people hit the delete button way too quickly. However, there are some compelling reasons why we should all participate in more of these surveys.

  • "Been there done that" trap: It is all too easy to get in this frame of mind where we think it has all been done before, the question has been asked, the most profound answer has been given and we just don't have any nugget of wisdom to offer on any given subject. The fact is, in an environment of constant change the only way to stay abreast of the new trends is to have the patience and freshness of mind to ask and re-ask the same question and each time the question is asked a new facet is revealed. So don't be afraid to answer the same questions because you might just come across a new revelation.

  • "Yawn! This is just a marketing tool" trap: Us marketers are all on the same boat and we utilize the same tools. Of course surveys are marketing tools and we use it for the same purpose as our client counterpart uses it to build a relationship with his/her customer. However, creativity and marketing guspa add to the mix in interpreting the survey results is what sets apart the complacent from the brilliant marketer. Let's face it, we all work with the same 26 letters in the alphabet yet some of us go to Tuscany for a month for vacation and others take road trips.

  • More participation means a fresh outlook: Go ahead, give yourself a break and participate in more surveys, discussions, message boards...even if it means you will just be getting a confirmation of your existing point of view. At least you will be given signs of life. We can all use more ways to engage in a dialog with our peers and put each others' feet onto the fire just to see if an idea has legs.

So, next time you receive a survey from your trusted communication partner please, please, please take the time to answer. You might just benefit in ways you may not have anticipated.

Until next time....arrivederci!

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